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You like SPOOKY??

Are you BRAVE ENOUGH to go face-to-face with

SmartPitch's Magic Tricks & Treats???

The Magic Trick is how SmartPitch's patented proprietary video analysis technology can identify a baseball in a full speed live video stream and precisely measure its speed, exit velocity and launch angle, when the human eye can barely see the ball.

It's SPOOKY how SmartPitch does this using the smartphone you already carry around with you.

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We challenge you to play the SmartPitch Edition of "Where's Waldo" to see whether you can equal SmartPitch's Trick and pick out the tiny white speck that is the ball 90 feet from the phone's camera in this video.

Just click play, IF YOU DARE!!!!!

Put SmartPitch in your Halloween Treats bag, in the App Store and Play Store.

Jack-O-Lantern photo credit: Jamo Images from Pexel.

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