Steamships hugely shortened ocean crossings compared to sailing ships.
Cars hugely shortened travel compared to horses and carriages.
The internet & mobile phones shrunk how much we use mail & the post office.
AND SmartPitch® is today's stats savvy ball players' choice for measuring their performance and improving their training on the way to being drafted, or to meet their personal performance level goals.
SmartPitch - priced at $5.99 - has revolutionized speed and hitting measurement and is simply much #BetterThanRadar, which costs over $1,000 for a Jugs or Stalker, or costs $200 to $300 for a compromised compact version of radar.
Buying SmartPitch® - for the price of a large frappuccino at Starbucks - is a no brainer for joining the "Affordable Future of Speed Measurement"

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