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You know that warm ups are mandatory before you start playing baseball -- or any sport. If you don't, you risk injury and shortening your playing weeks and years.

The same is true for SmartPitch.

SmartPitch has AI that may need 2 to 5 pitches or hits to measure lighting conditions and calibrate the patented algorithms that detect and measure pitches and hits.

We initially added this "Lighting Wizard" AI back in 2019 (see blog post) and have added major improvements to it in the years since then.

So, after you have set up SmartPitch and have started pitching or hitting, the app may not call out the speeds until the 4th or 5th pitch or hit. That doesn't mean it's not working: it's carefully evaluating the lighting and ball movement data from the live video feed and tuning the app for maximum results.

The same as you, SmartPitch needs some time to warm up.

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