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Nothing is more precise than SmartPitch®, not even $1,050 radar guns.  We continually test SmartPitch in face-offs with Jugs and Stalker radar, but wanted an even tougher face-off:  precision slow motion video.

We filmed 8 pitches in 240 frames per second slow motion video.  That's 8 times slower than standard 30 frames per second video.

Then we used precision video measurement tools to measure the distance the ball traveled from true release point out of the pitcher's hand until 4 frames later, a distance of between 3.5 to almost 4 feet for these pitches.  

We ran SmartPitch at the same time and compared the results:  SmartPitch® vs extremely precise 240 fps video measurements. 

Here are the results:

Here is one of the pitches, showing the slow motion distance capture followed by video of SmartPitch measuring the same pitch.  Precision video speed = 75.5.  SmartPitch speed = 75.7 mph.  

You decide:  Buy a radar gun at $1,050 or get Precision Speeds with SmartPitch for $4.99.

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